Tinary Text

What was my program supposed to do?

My program was supposed to use the text command 17 times to create a column of 10 based numbers from 1 to 17. We also had to write the numbers 1 through 17 but in Binary and Hex as well.We did this program in pairs one person coded while the other navigated them like using a gps while ur driving.

During the coding my partner and I established an algorithm to be able to translate the numbers corresponding to each other in different languages. We used the algorithm and we encountered some problems and started using different ways to be able to list the numbers.

I honestly felt like this was a little confusing but the more my partner and I learned while working the better it got easier and easier. And I became more used to it and I it became easier and easier with the help of my partner.

Innovation Topic

My article was called THE ERA OF THE DRONE SWARM IS COMING, AND WE NEED TO BE READY FOR IT. My article as about the evolution of drones and how the military is using them to create a new way of advanced warfare. The military is creating drones that are equipped with sensors and facial recognition. The article also says that drones can be able to take a whole fighter jet down if they attack it in a swarm.Not One drone is built the same they are all different and can be customized in every which way. https://mwi.usma.edu/era-drone-swarm-coming-need-ready/

My groupmates article was called Robots can now pick up any object after inspecting it. This article was about how robots are being built to advance the work at home and make chores and such easier. They are being designed for different purposes and can complete different tasks. http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-csail-robots-can-pick-any-object-after-inspection-0910

Straw structure

I want my straw structure to be built with a lot of supports with two ¨beams¨ wthat support the weight and can help the bridge not touch the ground. I would add more tapw to solify the bridge and make it sturdy. I would have copied ellio and took my time to be able to make a better stronger longer bridge that would actually stand up.

2A: My program is going to be a soccer game where you try tro score against an automated goalie the more goals you score the harder it gets the goalie will move faster and faster ans get bigger making it nearly impossible to score.

2B: My program is going to workby using functions and creating my own variables to move each sprite. The goalie moves without warning and the ball moves towards the goal.If you succeed to score the goalie will move faster and faster.

2C: A problem I encountered during my coding was finding a way to make my program an actual program. I found it challenging to make all of my sprites move accordingly and coordinately. I used the forever loop to be able to allow the sprites to move freely in a way without stopping and relying on the other sprites to tell them when to move.

2D:I used the forever loop with a stop and detect function along with the broadcasts to be able make my program functional. I made all my sprites move simultaniously allowing the code to work. I made a variable that allowed me to control the goalies speed every time it moved backa nd forth.

My program was supposed to show a site that displayed our schedule. My Partner and I took turns coding the page so that every period 1-7, monday- friday were shown on the screen. The program worked by making an array that would show a certain day in a certain space. the program would call on the first period and the first period would show up. So on so forth, We repeated this step for everyday and every period. I am going to be honest my partner and I did not face any problems besides not having enough time to finish. We were able to finish monday through thursday and start friday. AR is a computer program being used as a figment of reality. Basically a virtual reality the military uses is to train men in combat with different scenerios. But it can also be used for everyones enjoyment the game pokemon go is like a AR but on a phone as well. The other article was about the biometrics about systems. Like computers and cameras. They hold the information and the code for the cameras and such as well. The AR will have a huge impact on culture on evry human in the human race because the human race is moving into a time where technology runs us and it turn into a norm for all of us. Bunin Stupid spaceship

My program was supposed to enable me and my partner to build a spaceship out of rectangles and ellipses.We had a hard time trying to figure out the sizes of the length and width of each shape.My partner and I used guess and check to figure out where each shape fit.We had to move each shape to be able to fix. A problem I discovered while I used the program was finding the coordinates to change the x and y to get my shape the right length and width I got past this problem by using trial and error to find the x and y coordinates for each shape. My project is supposed to be a spaceship shown in steps about 15-20 steps with each and every shape. The sub functions helped me call a ship and voiding the ship so it didn't repeat as well today My partner and I made a program that made a robot run through a course and make it towards the end without hitting anyhting. If it did hit anything the robot would use stop and detect to be able to change its route or say game over because they lost.

My chosen aritcle was called "Smart Cities". This article was about the future of every city in the world. The future of all cities is only through technology. This advancement will reduce many things. Technology has become a neccessity for all of us to survive as humans.

Today our culture is defined by technology everyone uses it and it is a big help for everyone. Our soicety is a technology based society. Which can only mean this advancement is a good impact.

We used a code on scratch to convert binary to common 10 based numbers. We tried to fix the code so that we could convertBinaryToHex but we couldn't find a way to fix the code.

In our scratch program we experiment on making a program where the sprite makes a sound and speaks as well. We experimented with sounds and eveyone made the room very loud. A problem I faced during this project was that everyones sound was playing and it was very annoying.

My project was a project that showed a baseball player in his pitching motion and every part of his windup he would stop and say what pitch he was throwing. This program worked by making a list to pick at random what the pitcher says for every windup.

A problem I faced while I was writing this program was that I couldn't find a way to get the program to randomly pick what to say for every windup. A way I fixed this problem was usinga forever loop and the pick random command to pick which pitch the pitcher was going to throw.

One of my favorite ideas was a translator program. When completed the program will take a word in Spanish and translate it to english. The more words that you translate correctly the harder the words will become. The words will become phrases as it progresses.

Another one of my favorite was a program that will teach you another language. The program would work by giving you a word in Spanish and then you have to choose from 4 choices the right translation and definition. As you go the words will get harder and harder.

My third favorite is a goat simulator. The simulator will work by the player being a goat and doing goat things. The goat can go from the mountains to the city and it has infinite lives. The goat can cause a little mishap or just be a average goat.

FACTORIO Today in class my partner and I started using factorio and we started to play but it was used as apractice round to get a feel of the porgram. We started farming materials, to build machines to farm for us. Unfortantley My partner made a mistake while farming and we had to restart. We started over by farming iron coal and stone to buil our machine to help us farm as well to be able to help us build faster.

FACTORIO 2 The first thing to do is go for a walk. You need to make sure you memorize where the, coal ore, stone areas are to begin with. Chop the trees down iwth the right click. As you start to farm you get a burning running drill and a stone furnace for trees.

ESpalding. “The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Factorio.” Game Skinny, GameSkinny, 11 July 2017, www.gameskinny.com/0eict/the-ultimate-beginners-guide-to-factorio.

FACTORIO 3 I had to walk around the map to get familiar with the map and learn where teh resources are to be able to build my machines.The first thing to do is go for a walk. You need to make sure you memorize where the, coal ore, stone areas are to begin with. Chop the trees down iwth the right click. As you start to farm you get a burning running drill and a stone furnace for trees. “Burner Mining Drill - Factorio Wiki.” Official Factorio Wiki, wiki.factorio.com/Burner_mining_drill.

Day 1: Today I finished my written response and my computational artifact for the APCS website and I was also able to submit it to the website. I have now completed all of my work to pass the class and I am very happy with my work.

Day 2:Today I was helping my classmate finish their work to be able to complete his final submission to the APCS website. We used bandicam to record a video of his code running and downloaded it to the site to submit it. Day 2:Today in class we took a quiz on the chapter 7 of the APCS computer science book. After the test my fellow classmates and I helped grade and put in the grades of the quiz that we just took.

Day 3:Today in class we had to a choice on whether to work on everfi factorio or one of the options that was chosen.We had the whole class to work on it.

Day 4:today in class while other people finished submitting their essays to the college board. I continued to help my classmate finish submitting all his work to the APCS website.

Today in class i remixed my teachers glitch code of a tic tac toe game. I beat the AI at its own game and I had to take a screenshot and upload it to my portfolio on glitch. The screenshot me beating the computer at the game will be shown as proof for me doing that. Today I remixed the teachers glitch code and changed each of the three balls colors along with the background as well

UML design

The visibilit of an attribute or a method sets the accessibility for that attribute or method. Private visibilty can't be accessed by any other class or subclass. Public visibility is the opposite, it can be accessed by any other class.

Methods also called operations or functions, allow you to specify any behaviorl feature of the class.

Inheritance is a type of relationship, that lets subclasses inherit all the attributes and methods of a superclass.

DRY is Dont Repeat Yourself. Anytimes you want to instantiate one of the subclasses, you wouldn't instantiate the superclass since it is abstract. Your subclass is to simplify things and keep the code DRY

Citation: UML Class Diagram Tutorial. YouTube, 2017.